Mengag-gag-ay tako.

Gawis ay agew yo.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Day 7

Yesterday, we had our teambuilding. It's nice to be a child again. Though there were prizes at stake, we joined the activity as if we don't have any cares at all. It renewed our strength as a team. Thanks to all.

Today, the work and the lecture was not too gruelling but as usual, Fr. Jomar gave us enough food to chew and enough time to digest. That's the way to go father.

Realizing it, what have i been? Was i a behaviorist, cognitivist or constructivist teacher? I think i have been a little of each. But now, i have to start working more to be a constructivist. Of course, i have to be a behaviorist teacher if the competency and the tasks calls for it but i will really try my best to be more of a constructivist.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Telecollaborative Project

At last, my mind was unclogged after i took a nap (at a seat somewhere up there), ate lunch, and after listening to Ms. Estoque. So, i was more receptive on the next sessions.

Ms. Estoque's story is really inspirational - it really inspires me to really give my best given the scarce resources that we have. i was inspired enough to finish my activity for the day.

thanks a lot ms estoque.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Day 6

The session on Telecollaboration is finished but my mind was unable to process even half of what i heard a while ago. I realized in the end that i had been too busy trying to digest what is being brought out by our speaker that in the end i got indigestion of the mind - or is it mental constipation. i do not know if my processor is too weak or that i should have taken things in bits but i took it in chunks.

I even have a hard time realizing what we are doing. the activity is finished but i cannot yet place the use of it in the classroom. Maybe i have an idea but the idea is not yet concretized.

i hope i will really learn this again and by that time appreciate it. how i wish the speaker had been more logical in the presentation of the topic - or maybe, she had but i was unable to follow. poor me.... as selalyn,of Baguio City NHS says, "di ako makarelate," in my case, kanina.

Day 5

My mind seems to have been clogged with too much information that i can hardly comprehend the rest of the lessons in the afternoon. but one thing is clear, i learned so much on rubric preparation and use. i have been using rubrics for some time already but the discussion a while ago cleared me of my several questions regarding the use of it.

though we were not given enough time to make our rubric in the afternoon, still i cannot count all those things that i have learned on authentic assessment. AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT - as if there are assessments which are not authentic - but whether we accept it or not, we have been using unauthenticated (he he if there is such a word) assessments in most of our classroom teacher life.

Being a teacher, i think i have to start compiling my prepared rubrics so that it will be easier to revise and refer to in the coming days. I also need my own portfolio so i could also assess my own self. I still believe that before i will require it from my students i need to be an example.

thus, i have to end this so i could finish my rubric. but before that, i really thank the people who had been behind me so i could come to this training, our trainers who had effectively and efficiently imparted to us their topics, to Smart for giving us this chance and to our families who is behind us despite the fact that we are not with them even if it is vacation time. And, to the Lord Almighty who gave us a chance to grab this opportunity and who, despite the fact that we cannot understand some things in our life, He encompasses all understandings and so i am assured that everything will be alright. i love you all.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Day 4

Problem based learning can truly be an alternative component to the traditional classroom learning situation. It is student-centered, thus, eliminates boring situations in the teaching-learning scenario. I had been using a somewhat similar strategy in some of my classes but learning this gives me a better direction of where i am leading.

i just realized that yesterday and today, i enjoyed being a part of people who are willing to disagree to agree. And though, we may not have made something perfect, the output is still a product of the whole group who had disagreed on some points but ended up cooperating and helping one another to produce an output.

So, to my group mates yesterday: Dave, Alfred, Zhen, Daylin, Evelyn and Cezar; and today, Cezar, Daylin, Joretz I do believe that what we did is a very good example of what we are preaching - cooperative learning. Disagreements are but spices to make our work better. Keep up.

Aha, and i ended the day laughing my heart out. Thanksd to laurenza, and my room mates Daylin and Virgie, the tensions of the days were released. He he heeee

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Day 3

Things are getting better. First, i woke up refreshed and ready to face another day. The nauseatic feeling yesterday is history and today i am determined to learn as much as i can while i still have the chance.

Father Jomar again opened a closed door in my mind and i really realized that i have been so busy teaching so many details that i forget to focus on the competencies the students will meet along the way. 10 questions/problems? wow, i once had a professor who talked to me that way years ago but i realized that i only applied it for a few weeks then i forgot (or was just unconsciously immersed into the traditional teachings again) all about it. Now, it's hitting me again. i hope i will not be caught up with traditions again so as to be hit harder the next time this reminder will come. By the time (i hope) that this reminder will come again, it will not hit me flat-footed again but it will make me a better teacher improving in my teaching skills.

integrating ict in our learning competencies is not that hard now and though we were the first group to finish, we found out through casual sharing with friends each group had a unique way of approaching their own activity in their own field. our group was the jolly one where we came to ralize that social studies can perfectly and seamlessly join hands with technology and livelihood education to harmonize teaching competencies. WOW - making thematic teaching a reality not just a dream.

i know the day is hardly over but we were already able to accomplish much. thanks again to all our sponsors, especially smart and our speaker, Fr. Jomar.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Day 2

It humors me to think that i never got sick in my hometown when it was near freezing point. But this day, i feel, i am really sick. yet, i know that whole night of rest will make me very much alive and kicking tomorrow.

yet, sick or not, i awakened from my deep slumber a while ago. Though most of what was discussed a while ago was not completely new to me, i was struck by the very thought that i have forgotten taken the focus of learning away from the students. this realization makes me excited to start a new school year.

busy or not, i will try my very best to be more effective aided by the technology we have. Furthermore, it makes me laugh to note that sometimes we are so engrossed on updating our technology without perfecting its use in learning competencies. We focus more on the outside appearance not on the inside.

starting today, however, awaking from my slumber, i will not allow myself again to forget the fundamentals of the learning environment.

Day 2

It humors me to think that i never got sick in my hometown when it was near freezing point. But this day, i feel, i am really sick. yet, i know that whole night of rest will make me very much alive and kicking tomorrow.

yet, sick or not, i awakened from my deep slumber a while ago. Though most of what was discussed a while ago was not completely new to me, i was struck by the very thought that i have forgotten taken the focus of learning away from the students. this realization makes me excited to start a new school year.

busy or not, i will try my very best to be more effective aided by the technology we have. Furthermore, it makes me laugh to note that sometimes we are so engrossed on updating our technology without perfecting its use in learning competencies. We focus more on the outside appearance not on the inside.

starting today, however, awaking from my slumber, i will not allow myself again to forget the fundamentals of the learning environment.

Day 1

Today is our first day as student Smart Mentors. I was really grilled knowing i know nothing. I have learned things i would never have if i have stayed inside the classroom. But, the most important thing i learned is how to filter throuhg the millions of information in the net and how to critically analyze the credibility of each article. This, for sure, will not only be for my own consumption but which for sure will benefit all my students this coming school year (which, by the way is making me excited to meet them).

as i move on, i know that there will always be people to support and institutions to help me bridge the gap of ignorance of the students and most especially myself.